Weekly Photo Challenge: Beyond

For this weeks photo challenge Beyond I didn’t have to go much further than my porch. I snapped these shots of the boys as they drove through the field, a little faster with each pass until they were outside my comfort zone. Once they were on foot I put the camera away and left them to their explorations. I leave you with a little ditty summing up ‘Beyond’.

Beyond my lens, beyond the grins a young man’s confidence blooms

Beyond the tress, beyond the fence…  yonder mischief looms

8 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Beyond

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Beyond 3 (aka What’s in the light?) « What's (in) the picture?

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Beyond « patriciaddrury

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Beyond « Dibbler Dabbler

  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Beyond « Dibbler Dabbler

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