Weekly Photo Challenge: Curves

Photo challenge + Family + Father’s Day = gobs (yes gobs) of fun!


Don’t expect to see the #1 son and the husband. They hid in the shadows drinking Dos Equis because they are the most interesting men in the world. No really! I had a few of those lovely green bottles and I must admit it was pretty exciting. 😉

17 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Curves

  1. Hi Janna, thank you for popping in and ‘liking’ my post. I have had a look at a few of yours and return the compliment! Your ‘escape’ was very moving. A mother/daughter relationship is such a special one, quite like no other.


  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Curves | As iAge

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge : Curves | Denis Danze Photographe Freelance

  4. Pingback: Photo challenge – Curves #photography #country | Moondustwriter's Blog

  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Curves | Ryan Photography

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