Windows & Portals to the World’s Stories

Regarding this week’s photo challenge Cheri’ said, “They are portals into the world’s stories.” I thought how true and instantly recalled a reader’s question about writing scary characters. “Do they scare you when you’re writing them?” she asked. To that I replied, “Yes, sometimes they do.” So what does that have to do with windows and stories?

Well throughout writing one particular story I studied the views from both sides of the window near my desk. I would imagine the male protagonist lurking outside as I typed into the wee hours of the morning. Sometimes I would creep across the lawn and peer in, imagining how he (Max) saw things – where he might hide outside that window as he studied Abigail. I have to admit it felt pretty creepy. Max wasn’t really a bad guy (okay maybe that is debatable) but there were times I had to turn on the security lights, make sure the windows were locked and the Glock was loaded.

I’m not just kidding.

The relationship between me and that window will never be the same but there will be other windows. As a matter of fact here are a few recent views that might inspire a [not so creepy] story.

10 thoughts on “Windows & Portals to the World’s Stories

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge / B4 Retouch: Window (6) Nepal and Tibet | What's (in) the picture?

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Window | Joe's Musings

What do ya think about that?