I am Going To Bed Until My Hair Grows Out (A Poem & A Picture by Me & of Me)


I am Going To Bed Until My Hair Grows Out

I am going to bed until my hair grows out

A month a year I do not care

It is bobbed, butchered and ruined no doubt

So I’m going to bed till my hair grows out


Halt the mail and hold my calls

Store my stuff in ole mothballs

Give away my favorite dolls

I will be old when my hair grows out


*Patience, personal evolution and creativity can all be learned from a single bad haircut.

Reminder: Getting Me Back (The Voices Within) will be FREE April 18th through the 21st while we do this A Poem & A Picture by Me & of Me.

8 thoughts on “I am Going To Bed Until My Hair Grows Out (A Poem & A Picture by Me & of Me)

  1. It looks cute actually but I’m guessing this wasn’t the look you expected or were going for. I’ve been there! When the person who usually cut my hair moved and I had to get my haircut somewhere else she ruined it and I hated my hair for like 6 months after that!

    Liked by 1 person

What do ya think about that?